
cat tails

Man oh man, farming can be really difficult sometimes. I often joke to people that farming is my hobby.  But more often than not, it feels like a full time job.

There is always something to tackle here on the farm.

Sometimes its the animals, and you wake up to your neighbors livestock in your yard, or even worse, your livestock in theirs! Sometimes there are projects to be tackled in the house, like preserving vegetables, or preparing for an event. Other times there are trials and tribulations with equipment, or moving animals, the list goes on! Although the work sometime feels endless, I always try to remember how worthwhile it is. A hard day’s work always makes me appreciate the easy days.

cows eating hay


That being said, my chances to connect with you folks have been few and far between these days!

During the summer I find myself daydreaming about lazy fall days. In my head, whatever season is next seems to be the easy going one, but that is rarely the case. Even the fall isn’t always peaceful when you have to handle all the preparations for winter…and winter brings a bigger workload…too bad these cows can’t feed themselves!

All that to say, I really appreciate your understanding when there are times that it’s not easy for me to keep in touch.

I have, over the past few weeks, collected some pretty funny tales that I am chomping at the bit to tell you all! Sadly, there have been some things that need my attention that simply cannot wait. I guess that’s what makes this blog a bit different than most others, farming isn’t much of a science…it’s a lot of rolling with the punches and doing what you can, when you can. So that’s what we are doing, same as always. You’ll be hearing from me soon, I promise you that! We have some pretty exciting things on the way! Christmas is right around the corner, and the endless preparations for that will lead to even more stories for you.

As always, if you ever have any questions drop us a line. We love hearing from ya!

Christmas Lights on Porch

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baking pie crust

You read the title, it’s time for Saskatoon Pie!

Yum, yum, yum! Spicy, fruity, sweet but tart, this pie is all of my favourite things. I could eat plain Saskatoons for days, but they are best in pie. I was pretty young when I first started baking, and I must say pies are still my favourite thing to bake. When I turned eleven my grandma sat me down and told me that she was planning to teach me a secret. She said that some grandma’s taught their grandkids how to cook, or how to sew, but she was going to share with me how to bake. Shortly thereafter I was gifted a muffin cookbook, an apron and some measuring cups, and the rest, as they say, is history.

One summer I decided it was high time I learned to make a pie.

I come from a family of pie connoisseurs, and as an avid baker, it seemed like a natural step. If I remember correctly Mom offered to help teach me,  which I adamantly refused. If I was going to bake a pie, I was going to do it entirely myself. (In retrospect this was a very good idea, I tend to be a bit stubborn when it comes to all things kitchen related, and it very well could have been a disaster if this first endeavor was a team effort). Mom handed me a box of Tenderflake and told me to use the instructions on the box for the pie crust, which I still use to this day. I have the recipe memorized, but I reference it every time, just to be safe.

I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but that first pie was an absolute success and I haven’t looked back! My roommate always says that you either have pie hands or you don’t, and I guess I got pretty lucky in that department! I decided to make use of them yesterday. After a few hours and flour all over my kitchen, it’s never a good pie unless the kitchen floor resembles a grist mill, I was ready to feast!

Saskatoon pie is just so freaking good!

I can always go for a good slice of pie with a cup of coffee. Pop loves it with vanilla ice cream on it, and one of my friends swears it’s better without. Or, if you’re my beau, you come home with some peanut butter ice cream as a topping (not the best combination I will admit, and Pop never fails to tease him about it!).  Peanut butter goes with everything, right?  Not so much. Speaking of different toppings, I’ve also heard it is excellent topped with a think slice of cheddar cheese!

But seriously, I think it’s fantastic every which way, and I hope you do too! Below is your chance to give it a go.  Let us know what you think, if you get a chance to try it!


Saskatoon Pie

Prep Time: 25 minutes for filling, 35 minutes for crust

Cook Time: 40 minutes



  • Pie crust – if you are making the crust I just use the recipe on the Tenderflake box, but you can also use store bought crust, I wont judge too harshly 😉 You will need a top and bottom crust.
  • 4 cups frozen Saskatoons (Mom and Pop have the BEST trees for this)
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 3/4  cup sugar
  • 1/8 cup cornstarch
  • 1/8 cup flour
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice


  1. Heat oven to 375°, and place bottom pie crust in pie plate.
  2. In a medium pot simmer Saskatoons over medium heat. Once they have warmed and some liquid has accumulated in the pot, add the butter and sugar. Stir and bring to a gentle boil
  3. Lower the heat and add the cornstarch, flour and cinnamon. Stir until well combined, and then add lemon juice.
  4. Bring the filling to a boil to thicken and remove from heat.
  5. Place inside the pie shell, and add upper crust. Saskatoon pie works wonderfully with a lattice top. You can do basically any top style you like, I find this one the best as it doesn’t bubble out as much.
  6. Bake for 375° for 5 minutes.
  7. Lower the oven temperature to 350°, and bake for the remaining 35 minutes.
  8. Allow to cool, if you can resist it ’til then! Top however you’d like and enjoy! FYI, Peanut Butter ice cream? Not recommended.

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Hotel Slekirk

It’s time! Costumes are on, props are in place, and we all have our ‘creep’ on.  It’s time to head to town and see if we can’t spook, slink, scrape, screech, and boo everyone we encounter into quaking in their boots. It’s Halloween! Destination; Fort Edmonton’s Spooktacular. And let me tell you this. It.Is.Fun!

The drive to Fort Edmonton is usually over an hour, but on Halloween it seems much shorter.

It could be that all the whooping and screeching and howling at passing vehicles played a hand in that.With the windows down and all the shenanigans going on, the time did spin by a little faster. At least for those making the roar from within. At one point I worried that it may rattle our driver, Frankenstein. It didn’t, luckily Frankie’s a bit slow on the uptake so none of the chaos seemed to affect his ability to keep us between the ditches.

boy and girl in werewolf costumes

woman and man in mummy costumesFrankenstien and His bride costumes

We had a car full of screaming, creepy, classic monsters!

You’d think werewolves, mummies, Frankenstein and his betrothed would be quite frightening for other drivers. Especially with the windows down and all sorts of mayhem pouring out! I had expected our fellow drivers to be startled or gasp in surprise, maybe squeak out an “Oh My!” Nope, not so. As it turns out, this tends to generate uncontrollable laughter. Probably not a good idea while driving. But I don’t get it. I mean, we were pretty creepy! There really ought to have been brakes screeching, cars swerving, cursing, confusion, havoc…all of that. Nothing. I wonder, has the entire world become spook proof?

For those that are curious, the Spooktacular at Fort Edmonton comes to us in many different colours.

At one end of the spectrum things are completely family friendly. At the other end, even steely minded adults would find it on the edge of disturbing. You simply need to pick the path that best suits your group. This was the first year that our entire group was over 18, so of course we chose the scariest ‘avenue’ of entertainment available. And we were not disappointed.

As we strolled through the darkened midway guided by zombie lantern light, we experienced true horror tales from the local past; train derailments, serial killers, hangings, Spanish flu victims, circus elephant rampage. Each tale a little more sinister than the last, and each expertly told.

During one such tale, as has become tradition, Twyla tossed herself into one of the acts by stealing some lines. She was at the front of the group so only those closest to her heard her say them. The lines were predictable and most of us kept quiet. She did not. Once she had said them before the minstrel could they were immediately followed with him growling, “Hey pal, stop stepping on my lines!”, and then he continued with his monologue. This created a little misplaced laughter…most of it by me!

But the night was not only filled with stories…

In addition to the tales we strolled through haunted houses, grotesque butcher shops, in and out of coffins, met ‘Stretch’ and generally mingled with those trying to find their way past our world and into the next. I would recommend the stroll to anyone.

Along the edges of this blog you will find pictures of all of our costumes from that evening. Even though Meaghan, Kenny, Brenna and Surya could not be with us, they had fantastic costumes and they sent us pictures of them. I wanted to share them with you here as well. We’ve put their names in the pictures, can you guess their characters? The only one you probably won’t get is Kenny, and that’s because I think she’s being herself.

There are no rules when it comes to Halloween costumes.

In fact they’re not even a prerequisite. When we arrive at our ghoulish haunt there are many around us wearing the very same clothes they could wear any other day of the year, and that’s fine. However, between you and me, dig around in your personal tickle-trunk to see what you can unearth. Buy, build or borrow that spooky ensemble. It can be anything, it doesn’t really matter. It has been true for us that any costume you wear will bring a smile to your face, when not growling, gasping or creeping. And here’s the best part, you’ll bring a smile to another’s. Be they friends, or new friends. For us that really is what it’s all about.

Frankenstien and his Brideboy and girl in werewolf costumes






Now we’ve been to Halloween celebrations without ‘costuming up’, I admit. But never do we have as much fun as we do when we put on a little makeup, take some scissors to an old bedsheet, raid the racks at Value Village and blacken out a tooth or two. There is no comparison to the level of enjoyment. Now if this year didn’t work for you, do yourself a favour and give it a think for next year. I know you’ll have a lot of fun with it all! You’ve got 364 days. Let your imagination take you by the hand and see what it can dream up.

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